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We want to become "a green event in a white landscape"

The last years the winters have become shorter and greener. Warmer climate leads to this.
We in World Cup Kvitfjell, and in World Cup Hafjell wants to take part in the engagement to secure a future white winter.
We must take our resonsibility, be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.
We must take responsibility for a sustainable production.
We must be innovative, we must dare to challenge ourselves and our cooperative partners to reach the goal.

EUROPE Norway 3 C All20of20 Norway3 E 1850 2023 BK
Climate stripes / Warming stripes for Oslo / Norway, is a good vizulasation on the changes that already have happend.

From word to action and innovative solutions

Hafjell Kvitfjell Alpin organizes the World Cup in Kvitfjell and in Hafjell andSummit Kvitfjell. We work towards the goal that these events will be an "Environmentally approved event" by FEE.
We have selected 6 of the UN's sustainability goals that we are actively working towards.

Bærekraftsmål h AFJELL

These are a common thread in our work throughout the event, from planning to implementation and evaluation.

We focus on several areas in our work towards these goals

  • Local goods and services. All food served is local.
  • Environmentally friendly travel alternative to Kvitfjell that is worth using.
  • Focus on minimizing waste, as well as good sorting and handling of the waste.
  • Environmentally friendly alternatives are purchased and used where possible.
  • Community involvement - Inclusion
  • Good partners who want to achieve the same as us.

We shall become a pioneer organizer when it comes to sustainable sports events

Ambition World Cup Kvitfjell

Continuous improvement

Local food

We work closely with Gudbrandsdalsvegen to offer our guests local and short-distance food throughout the event. For 2025, we want to further reduce our CO2 emissions by serving more seafood and vegetarian food.

A greener journey

We encourage all our guests to use public transport to visit us. In close collaboration with SJ, we have now got trains that stop at Lillehammer and Øyer throughout the event.

Waste management

For the World Cup in 2025, we will have waste containers with theScandinavian sorting marks to make waste sorting more intuitive for both the public and officials. By making the sorting stations visible both with the help of colors and symbols, we show that sorting at the source is important to us, while also making it easier for visitors to sort the waste correctly.

Volunteers are also sent a sorting guide with information on how we sort the waste that occurs during the event. The same information is also hung up at the sorting stations and reused as long as the information does not change. The aim is for all our volunteers to become good at sorting, and that they can lead as good examples.

In addition, parters and suppliers wil also be sent the guid. Doing this we also want our partners to gain good insight into the plan for waste management and that we phase out plastic packaging and other unnecessary packaging from here on.

The least possible residual waste

We want to reduce the use of disposable items during the World Cup in Hafjell. The disposable articles used must be able to be recycled as compost.

The least possible residual waste

We want to reduce the use of disposable items during the World Cup in Hafjell. The disposable articles used must be able to be recycled as compost.

The volunteer cup

During the World Cup in 2025, all new voulteers, staff and crew will receive a thermos cups to all our volunteer, to reduce the amount of disposable cups in the residual waste. We estimate a reduction of 10,000 disposable cups as a result of this!

Renewable energy

All energy supplied to World Cup Kvitfjell must come from renewable sources. Here we have entered into a collaboration with Gudbrandsdal Energi, and together we will think innovatively for secure sustainable solutions, and not least try to reduce our total energy consumption.

Community involvement

World Cup Hafjell will actively engage in the important work to reduce alienation. Absenteeism is a key challenge for public mental health. Together with key players and organizations such as Mental Helse Ungdom (mental health youth), we seek to find relevant concepts to involve and include during our events.

Our partners

We will set requirements for all our partners. Deliveries must be made in an environmentally friendly manner. We prepare contracts and agreements where this is specified with specific requirements.

We will be looking for new partners who want to achieve the same as us, who we can learn from, build together with and ultimately manage to achieve the goals of a more sustainable event.

Small victories on the way to reaching the goal

From the event in 2020 to 2022, we reduced residual waste by 32%, which corresponds to 700 kg. This was done at the same time as the scale of the event grew, so the real reduction is greater. Much of the improvement lies in better organized sorting, better and more information for both clerks, visitors and partners, smarter purchasing and not least the good collaboration with Midt-Gudbrandsdalen Renovation.

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